Welcome to Dragon Cave! Dragon Cave is an online adoptables game. Collect eggs, raise them to adulthood, and then breed them to create interesting lineages. New dragons are added regularly!
Viewing Dragon: (g2eoF)

- Laid on:Mar 28, 2024
- Hatched on:Apr 03, 2024
- Grew up on:Apr 06, 2024
- Overall views: 7,457
- Unique views: 1,348
- Clicks:21
Pyropellis Wyverns are most commonly encountered swooping through the trenches and craters that dot their volcanic abodes, bathed in stifling heat. While their tough, mottled hides blend in seamlessly with the volcanic rock that surrounds them, Pyropellis Wyverns stand out due to the fervent flames that cloak their backs. Unable to produce a flame, these dragons secrete a highly flammable substance from their backs, which they will find some way to set alight. This fire primarily serves to intimidate and daze unfriendly strangers, keeping snapping maws away from the necks and back of the dragon. The flames also serve as a way to bond: young hatchlings are often first set aflame by their parents. Fire-breathing dragons may supply their mates with flames. It is not uncommon to find a Pyropellis sporting flames unique to other species of dragons, having made contact with those flames.
Dragons are highly-intelligent reptilian creatures that—from a human perspective, at least—appear to live forever. Many different varieties of dragon exist, each with their own unique qualities, habitats, and behavior. Adolescence in dragons is usually marked by the growth of a hatchling’s wings, although not all breeds of dragons grow wings and some breeds have other traits that indicate the beginning of maturation. In Galsreim, dragons and humans coexist peacefully.