Welcome to Dragon Cave! Dragon Cave is an online adoptables game. Collect eggs, raise them to adulthood, and then breed them to create interesting lineages. New dragons are added regularly!
Viewing Dragon: (UO8Er)

- Stolen on:May 06, 2023
- Hatched on:May 09, 2023
- Grew up on:May 12, 2023
- Overall views: 3,359
- Unique views: 617
- Clicks:2
Fanalea Dragons are rarely seen. They move gracefully between the trees, and eat mainly fruits and seeds, though they do hunt meat during mating season and are excellent at tracking their prey over long distances. These dragons watch over their territories, and have incredible eyesight that allows them to spot threats from afar. Their unique defensive mechanism consists of the arrowlike barbed quills that grow on their tails, and the symbiotic, highly elastic vines they cultivate on their lower back and between their wingtips. By stretching the vine taut and hooking a single quill’s barb over it, then drawing it back, Fanaleas can shoot their quills like arrows over a considerable distance. The vines typically don’t hamper gliding or slow flight, and if the dragon needs to take off quickly, they can snap the vines and cultivate them back later. While usually secretive and somewhat aloof, Fanalea Dragons cannot stand injustice and suffering, and will venture out of their territory to assist others when they are truly needed. Their friendship and loyalty is hard to earn, but unbreakable.
Dragons are highly-intelligent reptilian creatures that—from a human perspective, at least—appear to live forever. Many different varieties of dragon exist, each with their own unique qualities, habitats, and behavior. Adolescence in dragons is usually marked by the growth of a hatchling’s wings, although not all breeds of dragons grow wings and some breeds have other traits that indicate the beginning of maturation. In Galsreim, dragons and humans coexist peacefully.